Back Pain

Back Pain Specialist

Many patients suffer from Back Pain, caused by a variety of problems. An Chiropractic & Spine Center in Dallas, Texas offers highly effective treatment for this type of pain, as well as many other pain-causing conditions administered by Dr. Ted An.


Back Pain Specialist

by Ted S. An, DC

Why Does Back Pain Happen?

There are a wide variety of reasons that back pain may occur. Most of these things are quite common, and they can also be treated very effectively with chiropractic care. Common causes of back pain include; fractures, dislocations, degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, bulging discs, facet syndrome, arthritis, osteoporosis, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, fibromyalgia, discitis, sciatica, scoliosis, pregnancy, and excess weight.

How Is Back Pain Medically Evaluated?

There are many different tests used to evaluate back pain. The chiropractor will perform a hands-on exam of the back, which often allows them to determine a preliminary diagnosis. Other tests that may be used include X-ray imaging, CAT scans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Myelogram, lumbar discography, EMG, bone scan, and bone density testing. For most people, only a hands-on exam and an X-ray or MRI will be needed to determine the origin of the back pain.

How Is Back Pain Treated?

The chiropractor can perform gentle spinal adjustments that can alleviate pressure and pain in a natural way. Other highly effective methods of natural pain relief may also be used, including non-surgical spinal decompression therapy, ATM-2, and the Synaptic pain control system. Massage is often also prescribed as a back pain treatment.

Will Back Pain Go Away on Its Own?

In most cases, back pain will not go away without treatment. In most cases, there is at least some degree of spinal misalignment involved in back pain, and that must be corrected if the patient is ever to achieve pain relief. If back pain isn’t treated, or if it is only managed with medication, the root cause of the back pain will remain. Over time, it will often grow much worse until the sufferer is unable to enjoy even the basic daily activities of life. Fortunately, chiropractic care offers effective non-invasive solutions.


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